Can I join you?

Well... that was interesting. I found another damn shadow pattern in me that I had absolutely no idea existed. At the recent ISTA Level 1 training in Austria, I had done the aspecting exercise with my mother's unwillingness to take up space - to be a bother, or to interfere in my "busy" life. Been … Continue reading Can I join you?

Musings On Being a Human Doing.

I recently managed to catch the tail of something in my psyche - the feeling that I have to always be more than I was before to be noticed. It seemed initialyy to be a superficial thing along the lines of perfectionism etc etc... but then it went deeper. I realized that this also applies … Continue reading Musings On Being a Human Doing.

So *THAT’s* the trich to it?

I've been pulling my eyebrows for about as long as I can remember. Actually, that's not quite true, since I use to just caress and stroke them which was a nice feeling, but left me with a slightly bald patch. Things took a turn for the worse in university when the patch grew larger and … Continue reading So *THAT’s* the trich to it?

Spritual Capitalism

Just rambling a bit here : I often get feel that the whole spirituality and tantra and self-development and woo-woo business is just that - a business. A business that feeds off of making people feel like they just aren't good enough. Not spiritual enough, not sexy enough, not "advanced" enough. Just come to *our* … Continue reading Spritual Capitalism

Meta Musings

I wish I could read all my notes. What remains from the experience is the follows: Dancing, Moving, Feeling between the realms of void, spirit and body, I felt that Void IS. everywhere. Spirit is energy.Void is possibility, potential. Spirit is energy as an expression of the potiential of void, and timeless.Body is the expression/embodiment … Continue reading Meta Musings

Who needs enemies with Freuds like these

I can't do it. I can't go to drawing class. I feel like a complete and utter failure, a disaster. I just can't catch up on the homework and I feel unprepared, useless and like a waste of space and the teachers' energy. I tried to do the homework. I thought I could do it … Continue reading Who needs enemies with Freuds like these